Defination:The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a language for specifying,
visualizing, constructing, and documenting the artifacts of software systems,as
well as for business modeling and othernon-software systems.
Use cases very simple and convenient way of requirements, and these all types of diagrams are included in use cases.
UML includes a set of graphical notation techniques to create visual models of software systems. The Unified Modeling Language pushes the envelope of what can be done with existing methods..
Basically UML is used for graphical representation of models of systems.
The UML has emerged as the de facto and de jure standard diagramming notation
for object-oriented modeling. It started as an effort by Grady Booch and Jim
Rumbaugh in 1994 to combine the diagramming notations from their two popular methods—the Booch and OMT methods. They
joined by Ivar Jacobson, the creator of the Objectory method, and as a group came to be known as the three amigos. Many others contributed to the
UML, perhaps most notably Cris Kobryn, a leader in its rapidly increasing refinements.
The UML was adopted in 1997 as a standard by the OMG, and has continued to be refined in new
In 1996 Rational concluded that the abundance of modeling languages was slowing the adoption of object technology, so repositioning the work on a unified method, they tasked the Three Amigos with the development of a non-proprietary Unified Modeling Language. Under the technical leadership of the Three Amigos, an international consortium called the UML Partners was organized in 1996 to complete the Unified Modeling Language (UML) specification, and propose it as a response to the OMG RFP.
Modeling types:
There are different types of models :
1)Business modeling
2)Dynamical modeling
3)Logical or class modeling
4)Physical development modeling
Development Applications:
1)Reverse Engineering Java Applications
2)Creating Use Case Diagrams
3)Creating Class Diagrams
4)Creating Activity Diagrams
5)NetBeans UML Custom Code Generation
6)Synchronizing Source in NetBeans 6.5
7)NetBeans UML 6.5 Keyboard Shortcuts
These are included in the modeling of a system.
Use-case diagrams:
Use case is are written stories about system,so that user can understand the functionality of system.A use case describes a unit of functionality provided by the system. The main purpose of the use-case diagram is to help development teams visualize the functional requirements of a system, including the relationship of "actors" (the person with some activity or behaviour) to essential processes, as well as the relationships among different use cases. Use-case diagrams generally show groups of use cases -- either all use cases for the complete system, or a breakout of a particular group of use cases with their functionality and performance.
To show a use case on a use-case diagram, you draw an oval in the middle of the diagram and put the name of the use case in the center of, or below, the oval. To represent an actor on a use-case diagram, you draw a stick person to the left or right. Use simple lines to show relations between actors and use cases.
Sequence diagrams:
Sequence diagrams show a detailed flow for a particular use case or even just part of a particular use case.They show the calls between the different objects in their sequence and can show, at a detailed level, different calls to different objects like flow of messages.
A sequence flow of diagram is very simple to draw. Across the top of your diagram, identify the class objects by putting each class objects inside a box. In the box, put the class object name and class name separated by a space or colon. If a class object sends a message to another class object, draw a line with an open arrowhead pointing to the receiving class object; place the name of the message or method above the line.
Reading a sequence diagram is a very simple way. Start from top left corner with the class object that starts the sequence or flow. Then follow each message towards down the diagram.
Deployment diagram:
The deployment diagram shows how a system will be physically deployed in the hardware environment and physical representation of diagrams is a most important way that help to understand the system for user. Its shows where the different parts of the system will physically run and how they will communicate with each other. Since the diagram models the physical runtime.
The representations in a deployment diagram contains the notation elements used in a component diagram, with some additions, that also including the concept of a node. A node represents either a physical machine or a virtual machine node. To model a node, simply draw a three-dimensional cube with the name of the node at the top of that cube.
UML(unified modeling language) is a standardized general-purpose modeling of objects and is language in the field of software.
visualizing, constructing, and documenting the artifacts of software systems,as
well as for business modeling and othernon-software systems.
Use cases very simple and convenient way of requirements, and these all types of diagrams are included in use cases.
UML includes a set of graphical notation techniques to create visual models of software systems. The Unified Modeling Language pushes the envelope of what can be done with existing methods..
Basically UML is used for graphical representation of models of systems.
The UML has emerged as the de facto and de jure standard diagramming notation
for object-oriented modeling. It started as an effort by Grady Booch and Jim
Rumbaugh in 1994 to combine the diagramming notations from their two popular methods—the Booch and OMT methods. They
joined by Ivar Jacobson, the creator of the Objectory method, and as a group came to be known as the three amigos. Many others contributed to the
UML, perhaps most notably Cris Kobryn, a leader in its rapidly increasing refinements.
The UML was adopted in 1997 as a standard by the OMG, and has continued to be refined in new
In 1996 Rational concluded that the abundance of modeling languages was slowing the adoption of object technology, so repositioning the work on a unified method, they tasked the Three Amigos with the development of a non-proprietary Unified Modeling Language. Under the technical leadership of the Three Amigos, an international consortium called the UML Partners was organized in 1996 to complete the Unified Modeling Language (UML) specification, and propose it as a response to the OMG RFP.
Modeling types:
There are different types of models :
1)Business modeling
2)Dynamical modeling
3)Logical or class modeling
4)Physical development modeling
Development Applications:
1)Reverse Engineering Java Applications
2)Creating Use Case Diagrams
3)Creating Class Diagrams
4)Creating Activity Diagrams
5)NetBeans UML Custom Code Generation
6)Synchronizing Source in NetBeans 6.5
7)NetBeans UML 6.5 Keyboard Shortcuts
These are included in the modeling of a system.
Use-case diagrams:
Use case is are written stories about system,so that user can understand the functionality of system.A use case describes a unit of functionality provided by the system. The main purpose of the use-case diagram is to help development teams visualize the functional requirements of a system, including the relationship of "actors" (the person with some activity or behaviour) to essential processes, as well as the relationships among different use cases. Use-case diagrams generally show groups of use cases -- either all use cases for the complete system, or a breakout of a particular group of use cases with their functionality and performance.
To show a use case on a use-case diagram, you draw an oval in the middle of the diagram and put the name of the use case in the center of, or below, the oval. To represent an actor on a use-case diagram, you draw a stick person to the left or right. Use simple lines to show relations between actors and use cases.
Sequence diagrams:
Sequence diagrams show a detailed flow for a particular use case or even just part of a particular use case.They show the calls between the different objects in their sequence and can show, at a detailed level, different calls to different objects like flow of messages.
A sequence flow of diagram is very simple to draw. Across the top of your diagram, identify the class objects by putting each class objects inside a box. In the box, put the class object name and class name separated by a space or colon. If a class object sends a message to another class object, draw a line with an open arrowhead pointing to the receiving class object; place the name of the message or method above the line.
Reading a sequence diagram is a very simple way. Start from top left corner with the class object that starts the sequence or flow. Then follow each message towards down the diagram.
Deployment diagram:
The deployment diagram shows how a system will be physically deployed in the hardware environment and physical representation of diagrams is a most important way that help to understand the system for user. Its shows where the different parts of the system will physically run and how they will communicate with each other. Since the diagram models the physical runtime.
The representations in a deployment diagram contains the notation elements used in a component diagram, with some additions, that also including the concept of a node. A node represents either a physical machine or a virtual machine node. To model a node, simply draw a three-dimensional cube with the name of the node at the top of that cube.
UML(unified modeling language) is a standardized general-purpose modeling of objects and is language in the field of software.
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